Monday, 24 November 2008


Waaa waa waaa

ARL chief executive and close friend Geoff Carr ... stressed to Stuart that he needed to get himself together and show some dignity in defeat

Congratulations Kiwis
Self belief, physical ability and a smidgen of luck can take you a bloody long way.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

No brainer

Why haven't we made any progress with e-voting?

Far more likely to see some action now with the new team.
I'll hold my breath a while longer.

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. - James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)


Sheep, wolves and sheepdogs

Many problems are relatively easy to solve with good advice, gear and people. If they aren't you just know some bastard is tying the solution in red tape for a reason. If in doubt it's money. The cost benefit equation must make sense to the owners or they wouldn't tolerate this. The vessel, cargo and insurance documents of the ships being seized by Somali pirates would make interesting reading. The insurance scams of ship owners in the days of sail spring to mind.

I don't doubt the guys are more competent than the pictures imply but I'd bet their key strengths are desparation, guts and night ops.

One day the poor crews will get decent gear (night vision, warning systems, weapons) and support to earn a dollar and return home without being taken by these wolves.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Remember them

Try looking up your family name in the CWGC website search engine.
On Tuesday 11 November, narrowing down to WWI, my kids saw the 5 pages of their relatives who died in that war to end all wars. L's family have one who'll stay forever on Chunuk Bair aged 25.

Bring back Roger

I'd love to hear what Roger has got to say about the Aussies and Americans bailing out Ford and GM.

One of the many reasons I'm glad we had a right-ish change. We will come out of this easier than the US if we let market forces deal to problems rather than throwing money at them. Get hard John.
I can put up with a few more Vespas, VWs, Nissans and Toyotas if it means I can have some of my tax back.

It's time to ......

Drink beer?

November is a great month to buy Christmas and New Year booze if you can resist or at least restrict the intake for the next few weeks.
Retailers use November to try and fix their name, brands and competitiveness in the minds of those who they hope will be their December customers.

Example: Becks and Grolsh have both been $16.00 a dozen at Countdown. They won't be in December.

Don't forget to fill the wine rack. Keep an eye on your favourites. November is the month to get some.

The Lion marketers know stuff we don't. Steiny Pure is $24.95 a dozen. Pure ?
It ain't real beer unless it's pure.
Beck's follows the strict Reinheitsgebot, the German Purity Law of 1516. Ingredients : barley, yeast, water, and hops.
And Grosch : Grolsch owes it outstanding quality by using only natural ingredients; water, malted barley and hops.