Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Are Lexus Engineers All Wankers?

Push comes to shove I'd go for function in a car over form, actual acceleration over sensation of acceleration.

"The acoustic team studied the noise made by a Formula One car at maximum revs, then applied design features to create an exhaust note for the LFA that Lexus claims is unlike any other car on the road, enhancing the sensation of speed and acceleration."

Normally I'd be the first to defend Toyota but these people have got it all wrong thinking artificial sound is important to anyone except a tosser.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Who will suffer?

How he got away with limiting the pre-nup to 55 mill I'll never know. Thats a mere drop in his $1 billion earnings.

A press conference scheduled by Uchitel was cancelled by her high-profile lawyer Gloria Allred hours before it was to take place.
Wonder if Elin knows the $$$ attached to the cancellation.

JFK and Bill Clinton didn't suffer and I don't think Tiger will suffer either in the long run in terms of popularity with the public.
I just cannot see most people heckling him on the golf course, nor his scores being affected. Does his famed mental toughness vanish now that we all know he is a cheater? He has been doing this for some time apparently yet consistently performed his golfing miracles. Certainly he could retire, but is he going to quit over this? I doubt it.

Where it will hurt is the change in response he gets from Elin and his children Sam and Charlie's reaction to him - especially if they split.

Tigers life must have been (we can all change - Tui ad) one continuous Victoria's Secret show.

All the more reason for him to listen to Pete and Dud "Get out of here ya hussy!"

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


More Sinead O'Connor - with Shane MacGowan
Give it time, takes 13 seconds to start. Exquisite harmonies from Sinead.

Jesus and Mary Chain & Hope Sandoval
For Tiger and Elin but looks like Elin gets more animated than Hope does in this song. If she is on something it doesn't hurt the performance but you've got to wonder about the dynamics and body language going on. Whats with the turn towards William at the end?
Correct ! (refer Wiki)

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Poor Tiger

Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole in one.

What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards.

Tiger Woods wasn't seriously injured in the crash, but he's still below par.

What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing

Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree. He couldn’t decide between a wood and an iron.

Hat tip Theo Spark

Racism, war and feeding the world

Unlike Hone Harawera I'm with the camp that says racism is not something that only victimises minorities.

Mr Harawira said his decision to visit the city was justified because "white motherf***rs" had been "raping" New Zealand for years and he was not beholden to white puritanical "bulls***". and then called Phil Goff a "bastard" and reckoned he should be lined up and shot with the rest of the Labour Party for passage of the Foreshore and Seabed law.

He shows no appreciation or concern for Maori who don't share his views or for the cost to Maori of his outburst. Anyone who doesn't see that this is harmful to Maori is plain stupid.

A couple of links that help with perspective - the last one being more relevant to the Hone saga.

The song "used to stop racism in New Zealand" FOTC's "Albie The Racist Dragon'.

and Sarah Silverman on solving world hunger whilst getting all the .....

And the stunning .... Bob Marley's War adapted slightly by Sinead O'Connor. I can't believe I've only just seen this.

Who wants a pair for Christmas?

Try saying "Those shorts look really cool. I want a pair for Christmas".

I'll bet Rebel Sport are always running out of stock. Not !

Who the @#$% would design shorts that look like someones wearing their undies on the outside.