Tuesday, 1 June 2010


I'm halfway through Born To Run.
For an American, the author did well to notice Arthur Lydiard's pedigree and I've followed his advice - Arthur's that is - and bought some $12 canvas sneakers.
Still waiting to get some Five Fingers. The launch is supposed to be this month.

My Sky

Thanks John.

While I'm at it, thanks Rory, Shane, Ricki Herbert and co for the Aussi and Serbia games. Not bad.

The Poms at work actually rate themselves a chance. Well done beating Japan 2-1.
Convincing !

The Nike ad in case you've somehow missed it. Brilliant.

Three Strikes From Today

A judge gave what could be the first three strikes warning today at the sentencing of an oxygen thief to 9 years, 6 year min non parole for GBH.

Ooooh thats a bit steep?

Not when you consider he gained the manadatory 1/3 discount for the guilty plea and the nature of the GBH. Repeated stamping on the victims head - no prizes for guessing the mental state of the victim.

No I don't think the three strikes legislation is "..sickening, cynical and without any evidence or merit" (Community Law Canterbury manager Paul O'Neill ) or that the changes "..unjust, breach human rights legislation and don't reduce offending" (Kim Workman.
Unlike Prison Fellowship International president Ronald Nikkel: "I have yet to meet a monster and I've visited death row", on both counts. Nor am I inclined to the notion we can or should risk allowing these scum back amongst our children and the gentler among us.

Enjoy the porridge for now.

Obviously I'm sick of the thought of $92k per year being wasted in this way when there are other alternatives - just ask Oswald.