Monday, 2 November 2009

Why I hadn't taken my kids shooting.

Almost entirely the result of watching this documentary The Killing Of America in 1982 (that and seeing what a .308 did to a carcass at the Burnham range).

27 years on the doco is still very sobering and disturbing. The IMD review says it's expoitive, and to a limited extent I agree - but people who get kicks watching this stuff already have major problems. Depends on whether you think the ugly side or reality of the truth should be hidden or is better exposed and known about. Most people will go "That is really f'n scary" and give some serious thought to violence and guns.

Has quotes like "More people have been murdered in the US since 1900 than have died in all the countries wars during this time". Just checking on Wikipedia a homicide rate of 5.5 per 100,ooo for a population of 293,655,404 = 16,151 per year in 2004! " its lowest level since 1965" !

Contrast this to the media coverage the 'war on terror', the Iraq and Afghanistan casuality figures get.

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