Saturday, 27 March 2010

Barefoot Running

Having looked at Born To Run in the local bookshop in 2009 I was facinated by the idea that barefoot running might be an improvement on running shoes. I'm also interested from the point of view that cost and drama is not always indicative of value for money - that free activities aren't all bad !

Last weeks Listener Magazine had an article on a guy who runs barefoot and using Vibram Five Fingers and the Herald the week previously had an article about the Taupo Ironman in which one of the favourites said she had included barefoot training. WTF. Methinks maybe there is something in this.

Wednesday evening was my turn to drive to Rotorua for one of my sons football practice. A couple of the Dads have mountain biked (envy every time) in the nearby Redwoods Forest so I asked them directions and made the decision to try my first ever barefoot run while they chewed the fat. There was a 3.4 k loop 1hr walk which looked like me, since I'd be able to walk if need be.

After one lap I felt great and did another 2. The loop has only gentle uphill sections but lots of small pebbles and the odd larger stone and tree root. I finished at about 7.20pm which was getting near dark and the light wasn't good by the time I called it quits - still feeling like I could go a few more laps.

I wear shoes all day at work so my feet are soft. I weigh close to 100kg but there were no punctures and no raw patches. My big and 2nd toe soles are a little tender but the biggest casualties are my upper calves which are only feeling better three evenings on. I expected worse, which means that even a middle aged barefoot running greenhorn can take on a reasonable run (20k +) this way without too much problem.
As Arnie would say...

Next step is to try this on footpaths, get a copy of BTR when it's back in stock (The local bookshop had sold its last copy and the guy behind the counter said "Yeah, great book!" and Whitcoulls Centreplace was also out today, next run due in May - booked me a copy) and buy a pair of VFFs - luckily there is a shop in Rotorua selling them.
They look freaky and the ones I fancy are $219 kiwi but what the hell.
My usual country runs have crushed rock metal on the tracks which I have no doubt would cut up my feet so some sort of sole is needed to tackle this terrain near-barefoot.

The 5 aisles of sports shoes at the Tron's Rebel Sport will struggle if the claims being made by the barefoot running brigade are even half correct. 4% energy gain is significant and so are fewer injuries.

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