Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Summer Running

Dean Karnaze's book (eg 217km ultra marathon in Death Valley in temperatures up to 55C) was the inspiration I needed to get me running again after Christmas and having done the 20k to Karapiro on Sunday I'm on track to do Rotorua again on 4 May. Again because it's taken me 14 years to forget what last time felt like. Memories like the guy who went past me near the airport with red stains where the sleeves of his too-large white T shirt overlapped his elbows.
Funny how I don't seem to be feeling any better with each run. I put it down to my pace being driven by tolerance level for discomfort, that no matter the length of run I'm speeding up or slowing down, going further and including more hills but keeping the stress level relatively the same. The same as when I started on 5k runs. I'm certain the experts would say I need to vary stress level. Slow learner me !

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