Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Oz ahead again

The grass was greener, milk was cheaper, and I was surprised to read Aussies are having an even harder time than us over the sub-prime fallout and appear to be experiencing stuff we haven't yet seen like people being evicted by police after falling behind in rent or mortgage payments and rocketing mortgagee sales rates.
Australians had their 12th interest rate rise in a row last week and were bleating frantically about banks foreclosing on home owners 2 months behind and penalty interest rates of 17% per day on arrears.
One headline I skipped was "10 Ways To Save Your House". A few of my own:
1 Stay home (nah)
2 Use free air tickets
3 Get the upgrade from Hyundai Elantra to Mitsi 380
4 Take the room with 4 balconies rather than the big one facing the sea
5 Swim in the pool and beach rather than Whitewater World or Wet and Wild
6 Eat Weetbix not Cocopops
7 Buy plenty of duty free
8 Walk
9 Get half price rash-suits from Target
10 Sell the beach section (no way)

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