Friday, 27 March 2009

On a lighter note..

Found this old favourite from Toni Childs.
Brings back great memories of a trip to Surfers in 1988.

And Fogerty's Joy of My Life


"From Small Things Baby..."
... has appeared in an Auckland court charged with the assault and abandonment of her newborn baby

"...Big Things One Day Come."
...the teenager must have seen Ms Aim walking past. He had been in an "extremely aggressive frame of mind" that night.

Lyrics to Springsteens 'Small Things'

At sixteen she quit high school to
make her fortune in the promised land
She got a job behind the counter in an
all night hamburger stand
She wrote faithfully home to mama
"Now mama don't you worry none"
From small things, mama
Big things one day come

It was late one Friday he pulled in
out of the dark
He was tall and handsome; first she
took his order, then she took his heart
They bought a house up on the hillside
Where little feet soon would run
From small things, mama
Big things one day come

Oh but love is fleeting
it's sad but true
But when your heart is beating
You don't wanna hear the news
She packed her bags
and with a Wyomie County real estate man
She ran down to Tampa
In an "El Dorado Grande"
She wrote back home, "Dear Mama
Life is just heaven in the sun
From small things, mama
Big things one day come"

Well she shot him dead
On a sunny Florida road
When they caught her all she said
Was she couldn't stand the way he drove

Back home lonesome Johnny
Prays for his baby's parole
He waits on the hillside
Where the Wyomie waters roll
At his feet and almost grown now
A blue-eyed daughter and a handsome son
Well from small things, mama
Big things one day come
Well from small things, mama

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Liverpool are on fire

Makes your hair stand up.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Yummo. ANZAC Biscuits and Emma

Recipe comes from the Edmonds Cookbook
3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup coconut
100g butter
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup rolled oats
1 tablespoon golden syrup
1 tablespoon boiling water
Mix together flour, sugar, coconut and rolled oats.
Melt butter and golden syrup
Dissolve soda in the boiling water and add to the butter and golden syrup
Make a well in the centre of mix, stir in the liquid
Place in spoonfuls on a greased tray
I recommend doubling the mixture and filling 24 muffin molds
Bake 15-20 mins at 180 degrees Celsius
Makes 36.
Yeah right. That means I should have 72 not 24
They are big bastards though !

Just made another double batch substituting 1/2 cup chopped chestnuts and 1/2 cup chopped dried apricots for 1/2 cup each of oats and coconut.

Almost as yummy as
Bruce's new wife Emma Heming.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Oxygen Thieves

A Hells Angels bikie has been killed in a huge brawl at Sydney Airport with rival club the Comanchero, in a brazen attack witnessed by dozens of travellers.

"Even if there was airport security there was no way they could have intervened. They came across the turnstiles like a tangled mob..There was] a man on the ground and a man smashing his head with this silver bollard - there was nothing [security and police] could have done."

Breaker Morant would not have agreed.

Nike, New Balance, Asics and Adidas gone-burgers?

I doubt it despite Scientists at the University of Newcastle .. saying an analysis of the global pool of sports medicine research turned up nothing relating to the commonly used, and recommended, sports shoes. "We did not identify a single study that has attempted to measure the effect of this shoe type on either injury rates or performance. This means there is no scientific evidence (the) shoes provide any benefit to distance runners."

Luckily shoes are way sexier than bare feet, always will be.

The article leaves the primary concern being a puncture, therefore we should see thin soled kevlar type sneakers appearing once people get over the hype. I won't hold my breath.

Dickhead of the month

"New Zealander Mark Taylor has been released Pakistan and deported after trying to enter a tribal region on the Afghan border, identified as a Taliban and al Qaeda stronghold, without permission."

I'd like to ask him what waterboarding felt like and whether he has a favourite Pakistani prison dish.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Price fixing

In my past life as a retail manager I learnt the lesson that sell price often bears no relationship to cost price, which is why you can sometimes buy goods at below cost if you know what you're looking it.

In Dick Smiths today my son says 'Look, there's my phone, still the same price as when I brought it last year'. The price point for entry level mobiles sits at $100 for some reason, which I'm sure has little to do with the cost of the components or R&D plus a fixed margin.

Supermarkets will come in for scrutiny over their pricing as the recession bites. While they spout on about 4% margins, this isn't on every product. Budget milk is well over $3 a 2ltr compared to $2.50 (2 for $5) at the local fruit and vege, which also has cheaper bread and fruit. All relative, for sure and the great thing about competition is choice. If everyone bought their milk where we do there'd be no milk sold in supermarkets and they'd change their pricing.

All we have to do is exercise free will and stop bleating.

US divorcee 'can't live' on US$53,000 a week

I'd probably find that a struggle too.

Marie Douglas-David, a former investment banker, and her 67-year-old husband, George David (estimated net worth US$329 million) accuse each other of extramarital affairs.

Maybe if you try eating at home one night a week?

Go out , have fun.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

"When did you go to the Polynesian Spa? $40 !"

During the last practice in Roto-vegas.

Is was rather nice. You'd like it. Tranquil, no kids.

Next time take me !

The bank statement never lies.

Sport is great

Games and results like these....

A Rabbitoh with his index finger up !
South Sydney found their attacking mojo to destroy the Sydney Roosters 52-12 in an NRL massacre at the Sydney Football Stadium last Sunday,

and today ...

Sitiveni Sivivatu inspired the Chiefs to a stunning 63-34 Super 14 victory over the Blues in Hamilton.

The White Ferns are going great too !

Friday, 20 March 2009

It's perfectly reasonable...

The Pope and the Catholic Church has been taking stick lately for their position on condom use to prevent AIDS in Africa and an abortion performed on a 9 year old girl raped by her step father, which gets worse ... doctors said the girl could have died giving birth to the twins and that the "archbishop for the area criticized the decision as against the law of God and excommunicated her mother, the doctors and other people involved in the abortion."

Rather than condoms, "the pope said a responsible and moral attitude toward sex would help fight the disease. The Roman Catholic Church rejects the use of condoms as part of its overall teaching against artificial contraception."

Athiest Sam Harris calls their condom view 'genocidal stupidity' and explains the hardline positions in "God is not a moderate" and that the pope's position is reasonable if you're a fundamentalist. His comparison between child molesters and heretics puts the churchs handling of abusive priests into perspective. For them battling heretics and saving souls rates far higher on the priority list than dealing with these scum.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Risk is Life

First year veterinary science student 18 year old Catherine Peters was killed when she fell more than 20 metres during a bridge swing on Saturday 7 March.

And then

Argentine pilot Gerardo Bean, 27 and 34-year-old Andrew Michael Scotland a volunteer firefighter were killed in a tandem hang gliding crash near Queenstown after taking off from The Knoll on the Remarkables this morning.

Deaths during outdoor adventure are tragic and usually preventable but without pushing limits we'd never get achievement.
Could have been any of these guys. (Vid from the Risk series on Utube - the accidents are only the first couple of clips then it gets simply awesome)

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Random stuff

From Theo

Take a deep breath before you try this !

Thanks to utube.

What is 2% of 400 Mil ?

Well done Marnie Adams.

Since joining Bayleys Auckland – Marnie has been their top residential salesperson since 2003 ..with over $400,000,000.00 worth of sales in Auckland’s Eastern suburbs.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Cam Stokes the detective sergeant in charge of the Auckland Motorcycle Gang unit until 2004 says the Headhunters keep a low profile compared with other, more confrontational gangs.

But they are linked to much of the drug dealing in the Waitakere area, especially methamphetamine

Organised crime in New Zealand is far from the levels seen overseas with the likes of the triads or mafia but the average kiwi has no idea how ingrained the gang mentality and lifestyle is for large numbers of men.

From a 2008 Listener article: "....Wayne Doyle, currently president of the gang. Doyle was facing murder charges following a gang-related fight, although he wasn’t the Headhunter who struck the killing blow. Rowe was trying to squeeze Doyle for the location of the killer, using the threat of prison and a murder conviction to try to extract information from him. Rowe recalls Doyle saying, “I never laid a finger on that guy.” “I said, ‘I know you didn’t.’ He said, ‘But I know I can go down for murder and have to do 10 years.’ I said, ‘Yup, that’s dead right. And what about your wife and kids?’
“He said, ‘I tell you what. The gang comes first. My loyalty to the gang comes first.’”

During his last trip inside I asked him if he would be back in prison. His answer: "Does a bear shit in the woods?"

You can bet they'll all be watching Underbelly: Terry Clark tonight. Lets hope they remember how the story ends.

Food In A Minute

Alison Gofton is leaving Food In A Minute. Classic kiwi cooking "You have to be pasionate about mince and sausages... Baked beans and chip pizza has to be one of the worst I've done".

Why not have a series on low budget African, Asian and South American recipes?
The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp, Chad.
Food expenditure for one week: $1.23

I bet these people can show our beneficiaries and me how to have a great feed for a family for 20c a meal. Maybe we can award them the prisons catering contract.

Yeah right. That'll happen.

Beach Education

Today was a stark contrast to yesterday.
Makes you think about selling up and taking a minimum wage part time job on the coast.

Do all you mums need to be up there with the lifeguards?
Is it Pam's day off?
How much do you guys get paid?
Any tips or perks?

There was a guy out boogie boarding for about 2 hours getting some great rides, but even herding kids and 'Simon Says' on the beach beats a scorching office.

It was even hotter when I managed to get outside for my run at lunchtime. Had to have the fan going all day - no aircon's a bummer.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Deflation Ain't So Bad

Not for all of us anyway Kiwi families will have a collective $10 billion more in their back pockets over the next three years as a result of plummeting mortgage costs

Tony Alexander's weekly overview shows the inflation rate over the last two quarters and year as -0.5%, 1.5, and 3.4.
This is great news for people like me paying a mortgage similar to the example in the article :

For a household with a 20-year mortgage of $250,000, currently paying $1005 a fortnight, a reduction in rate from 8.51% to 6% would mean being able to cut repayments to $830 a fortnight...Kapiti Coast financial adviser Liz Koh recommends maintaining mortgage payments at the original level, which would see the loan cleared nearly six years earlier, and around $120,000 less paid in interest.

While we haven't gone under at the rates of the last two years, I'll be very glad to see 5% rolling in this year. My last loan being in 2004, I know others who are hurting not so much by the increases but knowing they are locked in for the next 2 plus years with no access to the savings to be had while others are hooking into the new rates.

Auckland financial planner Deborah Carlyon says for many families high petrol, interest rates and food prices have meant money has been so tight they had been deferring spending on things like replacement cars, clothes, house repairs and whiteware. So any extra money in their pockets is likely to flow into the economy quickly.

Our old F&P, bought 10 years ago along with dryer (1k for the pair)as my farewell gift from last employer, finally gave up the ghost and we have splashed out on the next model up for $590, about the same price - way cheaper with inflation factored in, and the family income is now up by close to 100k on those toddler years. Clothes, shoes, cars, and computers are cheaper, and petrol is not far off. As long as both of us keep our jobs, this recession is going to be a fantastic ride. We may not be getting the same equity gains, but being able to reduce debt faster will be a huge help.

Can't wait for the tax cuts John.