Friday, 20 March 2009

It's perfectly reasonable...

The Pope and the Catholic Church has been taking stick lately for their position on condom use to prevent AIDS in Africa and an abortion performed on a 9 year old girl raped by her step father, which gets worse ... doctors said the girl could have died giving birth to the twins and that the "archbishop for the area criticized the decision as against the law of God and excommunicated her mother, the doctors and other people involved in the abortion."

Rather than condoms, "the pope said a responsible and moral attitude toward sex would help fight the disease. The Roman Catholic Church rejects the use of condoms as part of its overall teaching against artificial contraception."

Athiest Sam Harris calls their condom view 'genocidal stupidity' and explains the hardline positions in "God is not a moderate" and that the pope's position is reasonable if you're a fundamentalist. His comparison between child molesters and heretics puts the churchs handling of abusive priests into perspective. For them battling heretics and saving souls rates far higher on the priority list than dealing with these scum.

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