Tuesday, 16 June 2009


...Broadcasting Standards Authority has upheld a complaint about the unbalanced airing of "the reactionary views of an unqualified right wing individual..."

and .... Shock ! Horror !

... the presenters expressed sympathy for Mr McVicar's views ...

which ....

criticised the leniency of a 21-month prison sentence given to a gun collector convicted of illegally selling a large gun collection, saying the judge had "got it wrong".

...after selling his gun collection, including military-style weapons, to criminals....

Mabey is still fighting the claim in the courts but has pleaded guilty to selling off 31 of his most lethal weapons - an estimated return to him of $200,000.

This expectation that media demonstrate '..balance by providing only one viewpoint when discussing a controversial issue of public importance.' rather than allow opinion explains why blogs are such great value.

No wading through bullshit lame excuses for balance.


and "A sex act gone wrong could have been behind the strangulation.."

I've a view on that to.

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