Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Enter The Dragon

when asked if he believed in God

I believe in sleeping.

when asked what major religion he was affiliated with in 1972 by journalist Alex Ben Block...

None whatsoever.

You know what I want to think of myself? As a human being. Because, I mean I don't want to be like "As Confucius say," but under the sky, under the heavens there is but one family. It just so happens that people are different.

15 August Is A Maltese Public Holiday

The things you learn when you ask "Whats your accent?"
"I'm from Malta".
"Oh yeah. Coventry, where my Dad was born, was second only to your country as the most bombed place during WWII".
"That's right. There was a public holiday a few days ago - St Mary's day on the 15th of August , also my brothers birthday, to remember the day a convoy got through."
"How do you get there when you visit?"
"I go by Emirates, my brother works for them based in Dubai, then direct into Malta."
"What do you wear in Dubai?"
"You only have a few hours there usually but it's OK unless you walk around in a bikini."
"I reckon that is the last major human rights issue that hasn't been sorted yet."
"Yes I agree" she said.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Get involved. Don't get involved.

Your job is community safety.
As you go past a house and hear "yelling and the sound of a slap or a punch". You check it out and it gets messy.

Mongrel Mob member Tony Taurima, 45, his partner, Denise Adele August, 34, a mother of six, and Les Te Rawha Wiremu Edmonds, 22. Each faced charges of assaulting police and resisting police. August was also charged with intentional damage and Taurima with threatening to kill.
But the charges are thrown out, the Judge saying :
The Crimes Act 1961 allowed police to enter a home and arrest a person, but it did not allow them to go into the house to investigate and hopefully identify a person who may have committed an offence. There was nothing to suggest an offence was being committed that would cause immediate and serious injury to any person or property.

With logic like this it's no wonder we do f@#$ all about this lady and at least half the population of her country.

Matt McCarten thinks we are in Afghanistan :
trapped in a civil war that protects an unpopular, corrupt regime without an exit strategy
although he does acknowledge
Of course, elements of the Taleban are brutal and monstrous to their own people. But that's not the reason we are there.

We've lost just one life so far, with many more to come. I have to believe being there will save more than one Aisha
What would she say about Matt's conclusion:

.... politicians owed our soldiers the promise their deaths were for a worthy cause. O'Donnell's death wasn't.

Matt, you're a snapperhead !

The place is like that scene where Alec Guinness rescues Luke in Star Wars.
Can you see democracy and human rights for women being permanent there unless we commit?
I don't understand why more women, and Matt, aren't speaking up demanding we support the Aisha's of this world who didn't have the luck to be born in a country that grants basic human rights.

Some things are worth fighting for Matt.

My Sky Rules !

Had it installed in time for the World Cup and have about a dozen games recorded that I mean to watch and now the premier league has started.
Didn't even watch Waikato play Taranaki that's how rugby'd out I am.
We still have a solid 25" mother of a TV I can hardly lift and no burglar would be seen dead trying to carrying.
Will fix that before xmas with a kick ass HD thin screen.
Life is tough.
Not quite a smug as "Mrs Smug-pants from Grey Lynn" Wendyl since we've gone/are going through a restructuring at work. 19 manager positions paired back to about 12 over the past few months and no pay rises.
Can't complain seeing as I voted for it.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

On child abuse

I've seen way too many child abusers. It makes me sick that as kiwis we do nowhere near enough to keep children safe.
We do not demand the action that needs to happen to change our horrific statistics.
What's the answer?
What should we do?

Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.
Bruce Lee 1994.

Speaking of child abuse making me wild. I dare you to watch all of this Christopher Hitchin's vid on the topic. If you react to 'Islamic' in the title, ask yourself "why?" Child abuse is child abuse.

Light on solutions but you get the picture I'm not a great fan of appeasement.
As a species we sure are great at burying the head - I'm more than a little concerned most people don't even know where their head is jammed.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Top concert at the Powerstation on Friday night. Herald reviewer Scott Kara liked it to.

Sometimes you have to go hard. Took the day off to drive about 800ks down to Waiouru to read Wallingford and Malone's diaries, up to the big smoke for this and then home.

And footage from the night - if you like it heavy. I'm in front of Peter Hayes at the barrier.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


I'm halfway through Born To Run.
For an American, the author did well to notice Arthur Lydiard's pedigree and I've followed his advice - Arthur's that is - and bought some $12 canvas sneakers.
Still waiting to get some Five Fingers. The launch is supposed to be this month.

My Sky

Thanks John.

While I'm at it, thanks Rory, Shane, Ricki Herbert and co for the Aussi and Serbia games. Not bad.

The Poms at work actually rate themselves a chance. Well done beating Japan 2-1.
Convincing !

The Nike ad in case you've somehow missed it. Brilliant.

Three Strikes From Today

A judge gave what could be the first three strikes warning today at the sentencing of an oxygen thief to 9 years, 6 year min non parole for GBH.

Ooooh thats a bit steep?

Not when you consider he gained the manadatory 1/3 discount for the guilty plea and the nature of the GBH. Repeated stamping on the victims head - no prizes for guessing the mental state of the victim.

No I don't think the three strikes legislation is "..sickening, cynical and without any evidence or merit" (Community Law Canterbury manager Paul O'Neill ) or that the changes "..unjust, breach human rights legislation and don't reduce offending" (Kim Workman.
Unlike Prison Fellowship International president Ronald Nikkel: "I have yet to meet a monster and I've visited death row", on both counts. Nor am I inclined to the notion we can or should risk allowing these scum back amongst our children and the gentler among us.

Enjoy the porridge for now.

Obviously I'm sick of the thought of $92k per year being wasted in this way when there are other alternatives - just ask Oswald.

Monday, 3 May 2010

9 year old shows how to volley

Last Saturday at the football grounds.
Right wing down the line, crosses and the striker volleys from the near post into the back of the net. Not bad for 9 years olds playing a year up to give themselves some competition.

Half time: 12 nil
Full time: 26 nil
Coach hasn't done a session on mercy.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Iraq and Afghanistan: Why?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali 21 April 2010 on Religion, Violence & South Park.

I fully support being in A (and for the US and/or us in I) if the cost, fighting and dying is aimed openly at human rights and helping people like Ali.
If not we should get the f@#$ out.

Winter Sport Begins

The 9 yo played 2 games last weekend. This year coach decided to jump a year and play them in the 11th grade with the 11 year olds.
Saturdays game was against the nemisis Ham North - their top team. My 13yo said 3 nil, I said "more likely 5 or 6 unfortunately".
Opened the can on them.
5 nil to us.
Special considering the 2nd half was ref'd by one of their Dads who went to Noumea for the U12 Oceania tournament with us. His now 13 yo - a special kid with a karate black belt + won the Waikato 1500m - has just scored a contract with West Brom. Giving stick from the sidelines was most enjoyable, having listened to him so often.
Sunday against Papamoa, 10th grade this time, about 8 nil.

Beats watching the Duck.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

ANZAC Dawn Parade in Hamilton

I was one of the participants at

Hamilton's Anzac dawn service where more than 8000 people gathered under thick fog to remember those fallen



Advance Australia Fair was sung before ours. I thought it was a nice touch to acknowledge the A of the day and was impressed but not surprised by the volume. An uneasy feeling came upon me as the familiar notes of our dirge began.
Question: What proportion of the NZ'ers among the 8,000 know the maori version?
None around me. You'd have thought here were 10 times more Aussies than Kiwis there.
Sad but again predictable.
Can we change the song and get everyone singing before we change the flag?

The Fog and the Fly Past

When the RSA chaplain said there'd be a fly past by a C130 of the RNZAF. I looked at those crossed beams and the Waikato fog soup and thought:

"If they need 800m vis, I hope they don't come too low".

Minutes later the Herc droned overhead

"That sounds reasonably high up, their altimeter better be accurate"

Then a couple of minutes later the beast thundered over us so low I nearly ducked. Good effort guys.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Belated Anzac Day Tribute

I wonder how many Kiwi's know who William Malone was.

Wikipedia as of today has 4 lines about his actions at Gallipoli - this the guy who led his Wellington infantry to the top of Chunuk Bair on 8 August 1915 "the only success for the Allies of the campaign" (apart from the final bloodless withdrawal) after repeatedly refusing orders to commit his men to a daylight attack the day before.

Some success. He and almost all of his men were dead 2 mornings later.

Jesse Wallingford likewise is a Gallipoli hero - who served with the Auckland Regiment but as at 20 April had not a mention about his contribution on Wikipedia.
Easily fixed. Off to Waiouru to read his diary this week. (oops, Delores is on leave til June)

Peter Jackson. From 6.43mins speaking about his interest in Gallipoli.
"That story has yet to be told on film. I'd like to do that."

Friday, 2 April 2010

On Call Easter

I drew the short straw and will be working over the long weekend. Still ought to be able to get over to the Mt to see the Highlanders v Chiefs at Baypark and catch up with a fellow sauv blanc lover to discuss mining and possibly enjoy a snapper or 2.

March 2010 Fishing at Waihi Beach

You can't buy perfect mornings like this.
Mayor Island in the backgound.

More beautiful music

Saw Old Crow Medicine Show at the Tron last month. Can't convince the rest of the family but if you like banjo music they are good.

I Hear Them All and Wagon Wheel are their signatures.

Never heard Gillian Welch before but this cover is sublime.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Centreplace Foodcourt, The Tron.

"I'm not playing with your leg"
"That's not what it feels like" I said.
"Can I get the toy there?"
L says from diagonally opposite me, farthest away "Yeah sure, he doesn't mind".
"Yep, you don't need permission from me, it's her you need to ask".

Barefoot Running

Having looked at Born To Run in the local bookshop in 2009 I was facinated by the idea that barefoot running might be an improvement on running shoes. I'm also interested from the point of view that cost and drama is not always indicative of value for money - that free activities aren't all bad !

Last weeks Listener Magazine had an article on a guy who runs barefoot and using Vibram Five Fingers and the Herald the week previously had an article about the Taupo Ironman in which one of the favourites said she had included barefoot training. WTF. Methinks maybe there is something in this.

Wednesday evening was my turn to drive to Rotorua for one of my sons football practice. A couple of the Dads have mountain biked (envy every time) in the nearby Redwoods Forest so I asked them directions and made the decision to try my first ever barefoot run while they chewed the fat. There was a 3.4 k loop 1hr walk which looked like me, since I'd be able to walk if need be.

After one lap I felt great and did another 2. The loop has only gentle uphill sections but lots of small pebbles and the odd larger stone and tree root. I finished at about 7.20pm which was getting near dark and the light wasn't good by the time I called it quits - still feeling like I could go a few more laps.

I wear shoes all day at work so my feet are soft. I weigh close to 100kg but there were no punctures and no raw patches. My big and 2nd toe soles are a little tender but the biggest casualties are my upper calves which are only feeling better three evenings on. I expected worse, which means that even a middle aged barefoot running greenhorn can take on a reasonable run (20k +) this way without too much problem.
As Arnie would say...

Next step is to try this on footpaths, get a copy of BTR when it's back in stock (The local bookshop had sold its last copy and the guy behind the counter said "Yeah, great book!" and Whitcoulls Centreplace was also out today, next run due in May - booked me a copy) and buy a pair of VFFs - luckily there is a shop in Rotorua selling them.
They look freaky and the ones I fancy are $219 kiwi but what the hell.
My usual country runs have crushed rock metal on the tracks which I have no doubt would cut up my feet so some sort of sole is needed to tackle this terrain near-barefoot.

The 5 aisles of sports shoes at the Tron's Rebel Sport will struggle if the claims being made by the barefoot running brigade are even half correct. 4% energy gain is significant and so are fewer injuries.

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Lisbeth Salander has to be one of the most facinating fictional characters since ...forever....
(can't count Cactus Kate now that she's real)

I was given The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo less than a week ago and the 2nd in the series arrived at the same time. I finished that in 2 days.

Call me sociable !
Just waiting for #3

Speaking of unmissable reads ....
Mum gave our oldest (15 yo) A Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn for Christmas, which he (surprisingly since it ain't exactly current or an action/war/thriller) read in about 2 days and then I did the same.
Strongly recommended for those who forget the difference between wants and needs.
This book is proof everyone in NZ has their needs taken care of.

Alinghi v Oracle

Go Alinghi !

I am a cat person, and unlike most, love the back and forwards high stakes battling of the Americas Cup, including those in the courtroom.

The sailing speaks for itself.

Sublime, always will be.

The Tax Changes

From the looks of the Herald's coverage, everyone will get something, and we'll get more choice over exactly what our money will be spent on.
Changing tax from income to spending will apparently get the Government more $$$ than they'll loose. Well it won't be from me that they get the extra $$$. I will spend a little more, but my increased GST contribution won't be as much as I'll save from the tax cut, nor will it be for anyone (who does likewise) according to the table.

Win-win if you ask me.

So who pays the additional GST but won't get anything to cover the increase?
The tourists won't like this much - if they notice.

The changes are too slight for many but they'll do me fine - for now.

BBQ Weather Brings Out The Snapper

My tip : Get a plastic non-stick cover

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Hitchens gets heated

On what is worth fighting for.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

An ex Muslim Psychiatrist on Islam

I wish they'd show this type of stuff on TV.
Lebanese, now US citizen Wafa Sultan on her concern about Islam. Her other clips on utube are an eye opener re the agenda of Islam.

Her tale about a fire is classic given we've now had a would-be underwear bomber.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on bringing democracy and the rule of law to Somalia

Hitchens obviously has the hots.

and on Radical Islam

A Good Year for Football: 2009

I'll be taking our middle child up to Auckland on Monday.

Back in November 2009, the month he turned 13, the week after we all saw the All Whites beat Bahrain an email arrived saying:

19th November 2009
Dear Player
New Zealand Football (NZF) is pleased to advise that you have been invited to attend the 2010 NZF National Talent Centre Programme...
This new NTC programme allows NZF to identify and recruit the most talented players in New Zealand and provides them with a development programme that lays the foundations for U17s world cup development programmes.

Caps a superb last 2 years for him during which time he's improved a little from being a reasonable club football player.

Good luck kid.

Wake Up America

Pat Condell on Islam, the truth, 'Cummunity Cohesion' and the US of A (apologies for not noticing earlier - from 22 Oct 09)

Great points regarding the 1st Ammendment to the United States Constitution:
“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ”

Well worth a listen.