Friday, 26 September 2008

The 2008 Bailout

Jon Stewart's clip "Awkward Loan Interview" 25.09.08 - Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke appear in Congress with hat in hand for the world's most awkward loan interview ever about sums up the situation.

The poor American taxpayer must have a hangover as bad as Neo waking in his pod.

Holy Shit there's Fanny and Freddie and co all suckin from me !

Gareth Morgan also on the ball with this article about the US economic crisis and on the housing collapse "There’s an old adage that if you borrow too much then you have a problem – but if too many of us borrow too much, then our lender is the one with the problem. This indeed is the case in the mortgage market in the US and also in the UK (where house sales are now the lowest since records began – talk about the fan about to be hit)."

Bryan Gould gets the plonker award for this smarmy "I know best" piece of bullshit on Alan Greenspan in the Herald 23.9.08. "those who now controlled huge financial assets worldwide and could manipulate them without any fear of interference began to cream off a higher and higher share and to pay themselves more and more outrageous salaries, bonuses, commissions, and "perks" of all kind" and " is the victims of the excesses who now have to pay the biggest price for correcting them. It is all those who will lose their homes and their jobs and their living standards and their sense of self-worth who will bear the heaviest burden."
Quick to forget the victims had a choice. They might not like the result this time but would they really prefer Bryan (or another financial advisor) make choices for them? Spot the nanny state-ist.

"I want the high risk rewards with a taxpayer guarantee".

Well it's your lucky year Bryan, it looks as if George, Bill and Barak agree with you. Strange times we live in.
Why suffer short term pain when you can have long term misery? No I don't know whats going to happen unlike Bryan, the world's first and only know it all.

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