Wednesday, 17 September 2008

F@#$ wit of the Week Award

Candidate 1
When they called police on a cellphone at 3.50am on June 17 you'd have to question why taxpayer dollars are spent (Police, Mana Coastguard, Westpac rescue helicopter and no doubt the commercial vessel) on anything beyond the time to answer "So start paddling" rather than searching for these F@#$wits.
The Smiling Boatie: Moevao Neti and his side kick Tulo Tuala get points for having a mobile phone and recognising "We thought we'd never see land again."
The Judge had me wondering if he'd make a worthy recipient for "the whole thing must have been very scary for you". People who end up six nautical miles off Mana Island (after the engine failed) in an inflatable boat in an appalling state with winds gusting up to 50kmh, rain with an air temperature of zero deg C and 1.5m swells do not have the capacity to fear !

Candidate 2
Green - The Robbing Hood - Party Spokeswoman Sue Bradford who believes "It is more important than ever that workers are treated well" and said low paid workers and their families were carrying an unfair share ....blah blah...and proposes lifting the minimum wage to $15 an hour immediately and an additional statutory holiday in order to help fix the problem. Who do you think pays for this Sue?

But the winner is Candidate 3:
Basil Donovan, a professor of sexual health at the University of NSW for "my theory is that when people only had a bath on Saturday night oral sex was a less attractive prospect"



Oswald Bastable said...

My theory on#3 is that people have been doing oral sex since they evolved lips.

Remember- EVERYTHING tasted bad or 1/2 rotten then!

halod1 said...

I bet the Clan of the Cave Bear sheilas, Egyptians & Romans knew all about personal hygiene even then. The golden rule - shower and shave.