Monday, 17 August 2009

Page 3 Material

Boring maybe but way more important than anything else I've read since the election. Compared to the some of the 'slow news day' crap that makes the front page I'd have thought Prof Gluckmans announcement that "..there is a remote possibility that if nothing is done the temperature will not rise to unacceptable levels" would rate better placement than buried in a single column article on page 3 of the Herald.
Aids and Rapa Nui are given as comparison examples of stupidity in the face of evidence and environmental self destruction. I doubt more than 1% of Kiwi's know the Rapa Nui story or bothered to read Gluckman's full article which should be compulsory reading.

John Key has been taking some stick for being both too conservative and too ambitious in his emissions reduction target which will be why there has been no comment on the PMs top scientist releasing the article. That and consulting in advance probably helped.

If the snow is all gone this week I'll be bloody pissed off !

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