- Volunteer to run the staff kids christmas party.
- Talk to your co-workers semi-suicidal husband (I won't bore you with why), at the christmas do, about vibrators while wifey's looking serious and muttering "I'll kill her".
- Knock the fact rescuer was OK with rescuee giving yours truely a lap dance (she tripped).
- Expect 3star Hotels to have views and soap holders or painting finished a week after they open.
- Mistake Chardon for Chandon.
- Ogle the hottee. "Sure she's a size 6 but she's not what you'd call pretty". "Don't be so rude". Understanding but not fooled.
- Dance for more than 3 hours wearing brand new high heels. Test drive those suckers!
Monday, 17 December 2007
I'd prefer a Dino

If I don't shake your hand, it doesn't mean I don't like you
Scanning granny today I came across the other two health bogeys one article above the other on superbugs in Afganistan/Iraq and the US and ebola (in Uganda).

- "...consideration must be given to the different characteristics of a pandemic compared with other types of emergency. For example, onset may be slower, but the pandemic will expand across many months, and come in waves..."
- "...with a projected 50 percent staff absence for two weeks at the peak of the pandemic wave..."
Confidence builders....
- "Participants need to be knowledgeable about the issues. Some people attending the exercise were not well briefed, did not know the plan and were not cognisant of the issues and previous policy decisions taken. This led to more lengthy discussions than would otherwise have been the case."
- "A ‘public gathering’ needs to be clearly defined; for example, whether it includes religious meetings." (My favourite quote. Stunning! I just wish I'd been there to watch my colleagues give their best stare)
- "Trigger points for release of powers should be considered. Instead of discussing the release of powers, perhaps trigger points could be identified, so if A happens then B occurs automatically."
And you guessed right ! The inevitable conclusion ..."Exercise Cruickshank successfully achieved its objectives..."
3.12.07 A man in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu has died of the H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus
No point holding back on hitting the last of the panadol we're @#$%'ed. May as well just get to the beach.
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Eva and Gerard

Yes, hot. No doubt about that.

Tuesday, 11 December 2007
The bad and the ugly
Maybe I've taken this out of context, but the Queensland Government's announcement it will review all criminal sentences in Cape York communities from the past two years is sensible if this thinking is the norm.
Closer than Pitcairn.
Sentenced in Dunedin to 12 months' supervision, 130 hours' community work, and ordered to undertake a psychiatric assessment and counselling for infanticide : killing a baby where the woman is so disturbed by childbirth that she cannot be held fully responsible for her actions.
Not so disturbed she couldn't return alone to the bathroom later to clean up and place the apparently dead baby and her placenta into a plastic bag, and throw them out a window into the garden below, before collapsing.
What do I know? We're lucky to have competent people make such decisions for us.
Monday, 10 December 2007
Take a pin and ...

Bursting bubbles aren't new.
A couple of friends of ours will be squirming that the IRD is taking an interest in their income over the last few years.
"100k pre tax" sounds slightly less appealing than "100k tax free" especially so if you've been using it to live on and pay for those trips to everywhere.
Assuming Kate meant IRD's 'soon' rather than her own, she, as always, got it right back on Saturday, June 23, 2007 saying "Expect an audit anytime soon. The IRD do read the papers."
The IRD I suspect will take Kate's "the law here is not open really to much interpretation " line as opposed to Rodney's "It would be very helpful if parliament would provide clearer rules so that people knew where they stood."
I'll be interested to see how much the IRD allows for value added by hard work and initiative. Chippies labourers/project managers are paid very well I hear.
Psychologist said she wasn't surprised
"by figures which showed men having sex they didn't necessarily want. She saw men in her practice who felt unnerved by the predatory women they met socially and who preferred the more traditional approach to relationships." (Sunday Star Times)"In that case keep reading your book and tell me if you mind me doing this......... awww baby are you really really sure you mean 'No' ?"
"I'm feeling stressed and pressured, leave me alone. Anyway my robes need ironing."
Unnerved briefly.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
4x100m WBOP relay Porritt Stadium 2.12.07
Cambridge in blue and red win by about 10m, missed the WBOP record by .5 sec. Three of the four are in same football team.
Buck playing on with ripped nads just doesn't do it for many parents even though I'm still impressed.
Hell @ Waterworld Hamilton

Monday, 3 December 2007
6' and a Secretary

The thin arm vacant look has a certain appeal. I'm not so sure I want to see the leg shots with those ops they show on 60 minutes next to the gender ratio stats.
Great to see the hackers getting busy, and that she likes Chihuahuas. With that hair colour I bet yap yap would get doggy swim coaching before going to the beach. Her favourite movie's destined to be a classic if only my browser would down load it. :(
Politics Russian Style

The campaign meetings must have been a load of laughs chaired by Vladimir. Nothing like having the entire population shipped out a couple of times in consecutive generations to help with decision making and focus the felt pen.
A world away.
Here's to appropriate ends for mass murdering @#$%heads.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
28 Degrees on Sunday 25 Nov 07
Thirsty Merc, or are these the new Morry 1000?
Would I sell to this guy?

What is the right price?
Deb Leask had a fair idea it wasn't half what she was asking.
Bayleys must be greatful for the 750 maximum and Crown Law wondering why the REALB appointees let him off, but I doubt it.
My first thought was "Those jerks must be elected by the likes of GS". But it turns out no. The shrill and agast Ms Leask and pinko journos who wrote the story must have missed something the Board, GS and I'll bet Crown Law didn't. That you can't be nailed if you play by the rules, and playing by the rules doesn't necessarily give you the moral high ground which Bayleys recognised they'd lost. Still, the moral high ground packs a wallop.
.......take a deep breath and wait for balanced reporting. Maybe I can persuade Susan to come back.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
The Emperors New Clothes
"Because of the Wagyu cattle's genetic predisposition and special diet including beer and sake, wagyu yields a beef that contains a higher percentage of omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids than typical beef. The increased marbling also improves the ratio of monounsaturated fats to saturated."
Fair enough, it must be good for you too then huh?
Even if not, noticing they don't give the percentages of good/bad fats in wagyu, part of the reason I exercise and attempt to eat carefully is so I can enjoy stuff like this if I want to.

With a fat content of "up to 25%", and Kobe beef sometimes over 60% I don't rate the marketers chances thrashing the health benefits. Probably an easier sell than butter and sugar though.

Monday, 5 November 2007
Orewa on Steroids

Politically motivated my arse. This is the last thing Labour would have wanted on the front page again.
My predictions in the lead up to the election:
1) Labour will distance themselves from 'extremist' activists and be praying Iti's charges are dealt with quickly.
2) National support will grow the longer pro-Iti/Tuhoe demonstrations go on.
3) The Green and the Maori Parties will continue:
- to bang on about our 'Police State' stepping over the line appealing to their anti establishment supporters
- their deafening silence regarding the reasons why warrants were issued and breaches of firearms and other laws, unless by police
- alienating their moderate liberal voters who support sustainability and Maori aspirations rather than Jamie Lockett and Tama Iti
5) Tuhoe will get not get their wish until after the election, but watch for win-win changes whether N or L get back courtesy of MMP.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Kids are OK
Listen to Springsteen's 'Living Proof'
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Comedy on Utube
Peter Cook and Dudley Moore darn na pub on being harrassed by hussys, Jesus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs7NbgkgbQU# , violence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKmBvm6ReO4# and ask the tough questions about whether we should save the whales http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG8_UWX6KzE# Outrageous.
Music on U Tube
Live versions : Brandon Flowers and U2 doing "In a Little While"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSzCyrbyIYo#, the Studio of same song is a favourite of mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ydQ6NfxjbQ# , Springsteen and U2 "Stand by Me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTiFKnLifCU# , and Springsteen's "The Rising" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QdQ2SgfyeI#were awesome. Oasis "Some Might Say" Knebworth and Glastonbury (I never saw them live) also mindblowing. I saw Cold Chisel twice at Sweetwaters but never saw the videos , Jimmy's mirror aviators are classic in "Cheap Wine" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad0nXoaGUdE# and an outstanding live 1980 "Goodbye" before canteen scored bandanas : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_x5XUnCZwo# then looking ever so slightly jaded some years later in 2003 doing the same song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLzQeN98Yg4#
For drool factor Play , who? not bad "You can Make Me Whole Again" and Atomic Kitten's to Willy/Mink De Ville (never saw him either) "This Must Be The Night" in 1993 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NlMhB2xzYM# and "Mixed Up Girl" live in 2007 and a smoking acoustic "Cadillac Walk" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJLKw9lGsjM# . Compare "You Better Move On" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn-IeiNuzEk#, (psychotic brilliance huh !) with the Stones tame version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG9p0Zd41cA#.
Anyone got any favs I can listen to?