Friday, 29 August 2008

"While I've seen people tasered, I'm probably reluctant to do it myself"

My reaction to.

But not hardman Keith Locke : "I think it's a bit hypocritical when the police have been saying for months that the Taser is safe and only has short-term effects that the Police Commissioner himself is scared of being tasered"

Just because something is safe doesn't mean you shouldn't be scared of it !

Have you ever seen someone deliberately and safely shoot their mate with a .308 and themselves with a .44 magnum?
Here is your chance. Shit, I was scared just thinking about whether I wanted to watch this video. Bullet proof vest and taser testing is for psychos.

The purpose of a taser is to 1) convince a dangerous fruitcake to start listening then 2) control said dangerous fruitcake (who won't listen to reason or recognise the colour "fuck this is gonna hurt real bad" or a gun in the hands of a cop) with a reasonable safety margin for all concerned, a larger margin than alternative courses of action. Reduced fear factor should not be on the spec list, in fact it's a liability.

Where are Keith, the family and friends when Noddy's going to town? Visiting Pakistan I hope.

Yes I'm scared of tasers, but more scared of the Noddys who won't back down when asked to by a cop. I don't expect nil fatalities with tasers, shit happens. Try not to miss.

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