Thursday, 10 January 2008

Commie plonker !

John Minto's response to Mike Moore's article on poverty is unconstructive bullshit. His only contribution to inspiring a future direction was to state "It's worth remembering that democratic rights, to the extent we have them, were never granted freely to anyone. People have only gained civil and political rights after bitter, violent struggles".

Yes I can appreciate that many of the countries leading the GDP/PPP stats have struggled but does he believe the only civil rights are gained only via violent struggles? Where were the violent struggles that gained women the vote in NZ (or Switzerland in 1971) or knocked down the Berlin wall? (Damn shame that was, don't you think John?)

I'd love to watch the expression on the faces of Palestinians, Israelis Iraqis, Somalis (and everyone else living in a war zone for over 5 years) if he could be given the opportunity to stand in front of them and say: "The only way to for you to gain civil and political rights is after bitter and violent struggles".
I have no doubt there would be many cheers, but mostly stunned silence meaning 'What a fuckwit!'

Does he repeat this drivel to everyone he meets? Should he speak to this guy?

A mini republic of lawlessness operates that police find hard to crack.
W S Moss wrote in 1950 "I should explain that ....'swiping' or 'pinching', but hardly 'stealing' - is something of a is an institution rather than a passtime, and therefore provides little amusement for the foreigner, but in both places sympathy is usually on the side of the 'pincher' rather than the loser. If you allow someone to steal from you, it is you who are the mug, he the clever fellow. It's quite simple really."

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