Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Risk, adventure and living.

Watching the Burt Munro film last week I rememember his take.
Danger is the spice of life
And this quote from my Xmas reading of "Where Soldiers Fear to Tread"
Men are not made for safe havens.
The fullness of life is in the hazards of life
- Aeschylus 524-456bc (perhaps unsurprisingly "the father or the founder of tragedy")

Paddling by day, drifting at night when he slept ... McAuley..crossed 1500 kilometres of ocean. On ...February 9, he was within 30 nautical miles ..of the South Island of New Zealand, close enough to take photos of high mountains.
Tragic. Good on you mate.

Not having Anton's tact I won't compare my kayaking to Andrew's or these magnificent two who aren't due til 12 January suffice to say I'm saddened how few people get off our coasts in kayaks.

Low risk is fine by me sometimes. For example J. Kyle Bass had balls describing shorting Quick Loan Funding as a "...once-in-a-lifetime, low-risk, incredibly high-reward scenario...". More great holiday reading from the NZHerald. Must get that Prof Fabozzi book.

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